Green Up Your Facilities

Each building is characterised by its architecture, location and the purpose for which it was built. Everything should be taken into account when designing the decoration, of which plants are an essential part. This article explains why they should not be absent from your premises, what they symbolize and what different variants of greenery you can choose. 

As mentioned in the introduction, plants simply belong both indoors and outdoors. They bring in a living, natural element that has a very positive effect on humans. And not only that!

Did You Know that Live Flowers are an Indicator of Quality?

Especially when it comes to flowers in hotels, restaurants and cafes. It is a certain indicator of quality and customers will form their impression of you from them. If you have live flowers in your establishment, whether cut or potted, it is evidence that you care about fresh ingredients and genuine materials. Customers assume that if this is true with decorations, it will also be true with the ingredients in the kitchen and the overall helpfulness in your service. You come across as sincere, generous and serious in their eyes. And they've only just walked into your establishment. Making that first impression pays off.

It is also important to take into account that not all types of flowers and plants may be suitable for your establishment. Again, you need to analyse how you want your business to be known, what kind of character you want it to have and choose plants accordingly so that they fit perfectly into your type of environment. There are plants that look rustic and sad and you should definitely steer clear of these. Another important thing is their placement.

Where Is the Ideal Place to Place Plants and Flowers? 

Try placing live flowers near the entrance to your premises. This symbolizes openness and hospitality, as well as being a sign of coziness. If you place flowers in a pot in front of the entrance, it's a sign that customers are warmly welcomed at your place. It is ideal to place flowers on either side of the door in identical pots or vases. It then looks more symmetrical. You don't have to worry about large pots or plants, as the arrangement should be sized to fit the dimensions of the door. A garland on the front door can also be another enlivening feature, bearing in mind that the plants chosen should reflect the current season.

For the reception desk, designers recommend a tall potted plant that exceeds the height of the reception desk. It should be placed on the right or left side. Or you can reach for a variant where you have a vase with multicoloured flowers placed on the reception desk at the height of the incoming customers. However, position it so that it doesn't get in the way of conversation or practical tasks. 

Hanging plants are also a great choice. They can be placed on walls, fireplaces, railings, balconies or terraces. Smaller trees are also suitable for larger rooms, bringing a piece of nature into your establishment. You can also place small green potted plants in hotel rooms, dining and relaxation areas or bathrooms. 

You can also breathe a piece of nature into your premises, for example in the form of natural flora. With a moss wall, which is still a trendy decoration, your business takes on a completely different dimension. Instead of white walls, you can have a small piece of forest.

Set up your premises in a way that keeps old and new customers coming back. Breathe life and character into them. Especially cafés, hotels and restaurants should be very close to customers. These are places where they go to relax, eat well, learn, meet their loved ones. Therefore, you should create a friendly environment where they will feel at home. 


Green plants, colourful flowers, mosses and wall decorations add value to the interior of your hotels, restaurants, cafes, salons. What's more, greenery has a positive effect on psychological well-being, which is why you can make your customers smile and create a pleasant atmosphere as soon as they enter your place. Not to mention that if your establishment is photo friendly, customers will enthusiastically take photos, add them to social media and tag your business, which can bring you new customers.


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