How to establish a routine of successful leaders: Secrets of effective CEOs

You are not born a leader, but you become one. True leadership is not a product of chance, it requires constant advancement, learning and practice. Think of the leader as a jazz soloist. They can improvise and adapt to the tempo, but they must always set the tone so that the entire orchestra works in perfect harmony. What habits should you adopt as a CEO in order to lead your team with a clear vision and inspiration?

Communication is the base of success

People want to be heard, understood and respected - and the workplace is no exception. The way you communicate has an impact on the atmosphere in the team and its performance. Instead of commands and authoritative statements like "You have to do it this way" which often lead to resistance and decreased productivity, focus on dialogue, collaboration and motivation. Effective communication establishes trust, strengthens engagement and helps build an environment where everyone feels they are an important part of mutual success.

Remember to reset

One vacation per year will not solve your accumulated stress throughout the whole year. Therefore, do not forget about daily walks and listening to your body when it tells you to slow down. Try scheduling regular walks into your daily plan, make swimming or running part of your work calendar. 

Acknowledge your mistake 

True leadership is not about knowing all the answers but about being able to listen, ask the right questions and create space for open discussion. Effective CEOs put their egos aside and trust the competence of their team. Instead of micro-management, they support a culture of respect and cooperation, where everyone has the opportunity to contribute to the direction of the organization. The key is to learn to step back, gain a wider perspective and allow the team to work with greater autonomy.

We do need education 

Successful leaders know that learning never stops. They are constantly broadening their knowledge, either by reading, talking to people with different perspectives, or through further education. They use every moment effectively - through listening to podcasts while exercising, to audiobooks while traveling or watching inspiring TED talks. Their openness to new ideas and willingness to grow is what moves them forward.

Emotional intelligence on the rise

In addition to developing technical and professional skills, it is essential to focus on emotional intelligence, too. The ability to recognize and manage one's emotions, but also understanding what is going on in others, is key for effective communication and team leadership. Emotional intelligence will help you build strong relationships that are the foundation of trust and cooperation.

Do not let yourself to be carried away

It is very easy to be carried away by work, but do not let your whole personality be absorbed by it. Build a life also outside of work and do not forget about your personal life, family and relationships. Balance will help you manage your business more than you would like to admit. 

To get inspired, take a look at the daily routines of successful leaders like Tim Cook from Apple, Anna Wintour from Vogue or John Fahey from National Geographic. Each of them has unique habits that help them be effective and move their organizations ahead.

Wondering what your employees expect in 2025?

Continue to discover important trends and improve your leadership strategy. Read our article What benefits will employees appreciate in 2025 to find out how you can attract and retain future talent. Get more practical advice and inspiration on how to be an even more effective leader.

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