How to Motivate Employees to Use Greener Modes of Transport to Work?

Being eco is a necessity. As is enabling your employees to do the same - for example, by making it easier for them to commute to work more sustainably. Do you know how to do it?

Flexible Working Hours

The first step you can take in your business is to allow employees as much flexibility in their commute as possible. This will not only help the environment, but will ultimately enhance the mood and performance of your employees. 

The more conservatively you set your employees' arrival and departure times to your business, the more time they will spend in annoying morning or afternoon traffic jams - and these produce excess CO2 emissions that are harmful to our planet. Not to mention that your employees lose patience and valuable free time in traffic jams that could be used more efficiently.

Home Office

Closely linked to the first advice is the second one. Even more than by adjusting arrival and departure times, you can help protect nature by allowing your employees to work from home.

By doing so, you will completely eliminate several factors that have an impact on pollution. The emissions produced by transport vehicles during the commute to work, the consumption of electricity in empty rooms, not to mention the reduced risk of transmission of various viruses or diseases.

Remove the Barriers

A useful step that more and more companies are resorting to is the gradual removal of barriers that discourage employees from travelling to work in a greener way. We are talking about bicycles, scooters or at least car-pooling.

Investing in a workplace shower or bike rack can radically change the perspective of shy cyclists who prefer to play it safe and get in the car in the morning. Equally, by allocating a few parking spaces, you can motivate scooter riders. You can also encourage die-hard car commuters to drive greener - just set up a carpool chat group where employees living close to each other can easily arrange their shared commute.

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