Toilet Automation: Where It Makes Sense and In Which Cases Is It Too Much?

While visiting a toilet in a public place, our hands should not touch anything – at least that is the ideal of modern toilets with automatic doors, dispensers and automatic flushing systems. However, is this touchless ideal necessary for every company?

Automatic Flushing

If we put aside automatic doors which are more common in public toilets, the first tool that can be automated in a toilet is the flushing system. A touchless toilet is more suitable for larger companies where the fluctuation of employees or visitors is higher, as are the chances someone forgets to flush the toilet. Other than that, a normal flush should be enough for your office toilet – ideally in the so-called dual-flush version which significantly reduces water usage.

Automatic Soap Dispensers

The situation with soap dispensing is a different one. Automatic soap dispensers offer various advantages which make them a better option than their manual counterparts. Not only are they comfortable to use, they are also more hygienic (there is no need to touch them), economical (less soap is used) and they create a significantly smaller mess around the sink than, for example, bar soaps.

Automatic Water Taps

Also in the case of automatic water taps, the advantages are bigger than disadvantages. The biggest one is undoubtedly the water usage – it takes only one leaking tap to bring your efforts to save water in your company to naught. In addition, automatic water taps are also more hygienic, which is an aspect of an even higher importance during the pandemic.

Automatic Paper Towel Dispensers

Just like in the case of automatic soap dispensers, the advantages of automatic paper towel dispensers clearly exceed their disadvantages. The situation in which you are not able to grab as many paper towels as you wish at once is topped by the fact automatic dispensing significantly saves money and increases the level of hygiene in the whole company.

The pandemic and an increased focus on hygiene – both from the employers and employees – have accelerated the demand for practical solutions. Toilet automation is one of the ways forward and it makes sense in most cases. That is the reason you can find a whole range of products reflecting on this trend in the SHP Group offer.

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