What Should the Employee's Working Environment Look Like During the Holidays?

You should create a welcoming and friendly environment for your employees all year round, but when it comes to the favourite time of the year, you should try even harder. In our article, you'll find some tips on how to do just that.

Listening to Christmas Songs

The end of November marks the beginning of the Christmas music season. Did you know that listening to Christmas songs puts us in a better mood? You may not have thought so until now, but studies confirm it. It turns out that Christmas music can actually make you feel happier and can even reduce stress and increase levels of relaxation. Christmas music allows us to relive the best moments from past holidays. So we don't see why it shouldn't be present in workplaces too.

Pets at the Workplace

For many people, pets bring emotional support and great joy. They can improve cardiovascular health, reduce stress and blood pressure. That is why many businesses are pet-friendly. If you don't have a pet-friendly business all year round, try introducing it at least before Christmas. A study has shown that the presence of pets in the workplace causes significant stress reduction for their owners. Researchers also found that the benefits trickle down to their colleagues, who enjoy their presence as well. They can cuddle with them and even take them for a walk, which has a positive effect on them. Another study looked at the effects of the presence of a dog on group problem solving and the results showed that it improved their cohesion, trust and cooperation. Overall, workplaces that are pet-friendly are more likely to keep their employees happy.  

Christmas Activities

Long winter days can be dreary, so having something to look forward to at work is very important. And even more so if it's before Christmas. This time of year offers countless opportunities to make your employees happy. From making hot chocolate, Christmas punch, decorating the Christmas tree together, to a Christmas party and a company skiing holiday. These activities are sure to bring a spark of enthusiasm to your team too.


More Home Office 

Sometimes the most difficult part of cold days is just the transfer from home to work. If you have the possibility, allow your employees to work more from home. When they do, they'll avoid the slippery roads, the cold, the congestion, and feel more comfortable. Especially before Christmas, big cities go crazy and your employees will be grateful that they can avoid this and work from the warmth of home.

Vitamins in the Fridge
Supply your employees with fruit. You're helping them feel better, promoting their health and better eating habits at work. With the cold and drizzly season upon us, vitamins can only help employees and keep them happy. During the festive season, they're sure to enjoy the Christmas gingerbread on their desk too. This will also create a place where they can go to take a break from work for a while, enjoy a snack, come up with other ideas thanks to small talks with colleagues and come to their work refreshed.

Reducing Working Hours
Almost everyone is looking forward to the run-up to the festive season and Christmas itself. If possible, make your employees happy and reduce their working hours the week before Christmas. They will come home earlier, spend time with their families and prepare for the holidays. In return, they'll arrive the next day much happier, more relaxed and therefore more productive. 

We hope we've inspired you to create the right work environment for your employees to feel comfortable in. Beyond our advice, don't forget to show them empathy and understanding.

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